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Diana Kult
High School Office Secretary
High School Staff
Kathy Lewis
Special Education
High School Staff
Josh Lynch
Activities Director & High School Asst. Principal
High School Staff
Melissa Chvatal
School Counselor
High School Staff
Deb McMillan
High School Staff
Stefanie Novotny
Secondary Principal
High School Staff
Sarah Portis
K-12 Art
Elementary Staff
Elliot Ruleaux
Social Studies
High School Staff
Becky Smith
High School Staff
Holly Sutter
HS Para
High School Staff
Michael Swanson
Special Education
High School Staff
Kassie Trevarrow
High School Staff
Hunter Vanness
Business Teacher
High School Staff
Adam Vogt
High School Staff
Katie Walz
HS Para
High School Staff
Megan Widmer
Spanish Teacher
High School Staff