Use the search field above to filter by staff name.
Shawna Gunter
Preschool Para
Elementary Staff
Nate Capron
5-12 Instrumental Music
High School Staff
April Abraham
Elementary Staff
Sarah Osbourne
Elementary Secretary
Elementary Staff
Alissa Andersen
Special Education
Elementary Staff
Judy Barjenbruch
Elementary Staff
Lori Callahan
District Staff
Clay Carlton
Business Teacher
High School Staff
Joel Carrillo
High School Staff
Liz Casey
Elementary Para
Elementary Staff
Teresa Davis
Elementary Staff
Lauren Edgecombe
LMHP for ESU #2
Elementary Staff
Ginger Eikmeier
English Language Arts
High School Staff
Meggie Eisenreich
Title I
Elementary Staff
Paula Elgert
Special Education
Elementary Staff
Nick Ell
Tech Specialist
High School Staff